Hey all im pulling my trusty Angels army off the shelf now. Between my Guard, Exodites and Blood Ravens I dont see a whole lot of time for these guys in the future. The full list is a lot of fun, its total 6th edition allies army. The whole army is painted to play as a big Angels Sanquine Army. Enjoy everyone, the BA pics will be up soon too, and if your interested the two armies will be hitting ebay soon.
ebay :
Dark Angels Allies on ebay
Allied Force |
Bike Squad 1, Fist + 2 Meltas |
Count as Sammael |
Bike Squad 2, Fist + 2 Meltas |
At 2500pts you take:
Blood Angels Codex
Lib Terminator
2x5 Honor Guards
2 Lib Dreads
2x5 Sanquinary Guard Squads
Allies: Dark Angels Codex
Sammael in Land Speeder
1x5 Deathwing Terminators
2x3 Ravenwing Bike Squads w/Fists and Meltas